Marina Rules
1. Boat slips are owned by the club and are not transferrable.
2. Boat slips assignments, control, and maintenance of the floats shall be administered by the Float Committee, as directed by the Board of Governors. Boat slips may be rearranged and reassigned as ordered by the Board of Governors to obtain the most effective use of the floats.
3. Any member desiring a boat slip shall apply by submitting a complete and dated application, with a copy of the boat registration and/or tax receipt. No one will be put on the waiting list unless they are a member, and all fees and dues are paid in full.
4. No member may apply under false pretense or have more than one boat slip; members shall provide proof of registration at any time as requested by the float chairman.
5. Boat slips shall be assigned by the float chairman as openings become available. Waiting lists are based on a first-come, first-served basis; the waiting list will always be posted on the club bulletin board.
6. A member with a boat slip shall have preference over someone on the waiting list if he has equal to or more time with a paid boat slip than the person on the waiting list.
7. Club membership dues, assessments, and all rental fees must be paid by March 1st to secure and/or maintain boat slips or any position on the waiting list.
8. All boat owners must have their name and telephone number on the dock on their assigned boat slips.
9. Non-members are not allowed to use a member’s boat unless they are a member of the immediate family or special arrangements have been made with the governing board.
10. If a member’s boat slip fee is paid but will not be occupied for the season, he must notify the governing board in writing. The boat slips may be assigned by the board to another member on a temporary basis, who will be charged accordingly. The temporary slip will be assigned according to the next-in-line on the waiting list. The following year, if the member does not occupy his boat slip by May 15th , the slip reverts to the club.
11. There shall be no boats over 22 feet in length, with a maximum 8 ½ foot beam. Boats of unusual designs, such as catamarans, houseboats, etc. are not allowed.
12. The following are prohibited:
a) Leaving the main gate open
b) Chaining and/or locking boats to the floats or pilings.
c) Refueling boats at the dock.
d) Litter or refuse on the floats, fish cleaning station, or any other appendage to the floats.
e) Overnight docking by anyone not holding a boat slip unless permission is granted by the float committee or board member (emergency situations excluded).
f) Unaccompanied children
13. The main dock is intended for loading and unloading and docking should not exceed 30 minutes.
14. Electrical outlets on the floats will be used for convenience only. No cords shall be left unattended.
15. All boats must be equipped with two adequate bumpers on each side and shall be equipped with boat slips lines not less than 3/8” in diameter. The float chairman has the authority to disapprove of any such equipment he feels is inadequate.
16. All boats and lines shall be removed by the third weekend in November; members will be subject to a fine for non-compliance. Members who have not removed their boat and lines seven (7) days after the removal date will be subject to a fine and/or loss of boat slips.
17. It is prohibited to store any combustible material in the lockers. No articles will be allowed on the locker room floor or hung from the ceiling or walls. Names and telephone numbers must appear on lockers, or locks may be removed by the float chairman.
18. The Pastime Athletic and Social Club is not responsible for loss, theft, or damages to any craft, or its contents when tied up at the dock. The same applies to the contents of all lockers, kayaks, or jet skis.
19. Any violations of the rules and regulations are subject to a fine, the amount of which will be set by the governing board. The enforcement procedure will be as follows: a) First Notice: the member will be notified verbally and/or in writing by the float chairman and given seven (7) days to correct the violation. b) Second Notice: if the violation is not corrected in seven days, the boat owner will be fined and given seven (7) additional days to correct the violation c) Termination: if the fine is not paid and the violation is not corrected within fourteen (14) days of the first notice, the member will lose their boat slips privileges. d) Reinstatement of boat slip privileges will be subject to the decision of the Board of Governors.
20. All violations of the rules Marina regulations are subject to review by the Board of Governors.
1. Any person, 21 years of age or older, of good moral character, may apply for membership in the Pastime Athletic Club, Inc. Said application must be endorsed by the sponsor, one member in good standing, and one Governing Board member.
2. Applications for membership must be legibly printed in ink or typed, and processed through the Financial Secretary and posted on the bulletin board upon receipt. The Membership Chairman (or his delegate) shall read the application at the next two successive Board meetings and if the applicant is not rejected he shall be initiated at the next regularly scheduled general meeting.
3. Applicants for membership who have been rejected, for any reason, may not file another application for a period of (1) year.
4. If the applicant is accepted for membership, the Financial Secretary shall notify him accordingly. The applicant must appear at the next regular Club meeting, along with his sponsor, to be obligated.
5. Membership in THE PASTIME ATHLETIC CLUB, INC., the rights and privileges therein are personal and shall not be transferable.
6. No person shall be allowed membership in this Club who has been convicted of a crime, felony, moral or otherwise. (Statute of Limitation shall prevail)
7. Any member, in good standing, who has held membership in THE PASTIME ATHLETIC CLUB, INC., for a continuous period of thirty (30) years shall be waived for life, all dues. In addition, life members who are senior citizens (65 and older) shall be waived for life all assessments. Life members shall retain their voting rights and all privileges of the Club.
8. No member shall be absent from three (3) consecutive Club regular meetings. Any member so charged with missing these Club meetings will be subject to a fine set by the Board of Governors. Reasons for missing Club meetings and/or hardship cases must be presented to the Governing Board annually. Life members and senior citizens 65 or older are exempt from regular attendance.
a. First Offense: Fines payable within 10 days of notification.
b. Second Offense: Fine and 60 days suspension. Suspension encompasses all club privileges such as meetings, moorings, lockers, barroom, etc. Failure to comply with the fine and suspension shall mean termination from the club.
c. Third Offense: Automatic termination.
d. The Governing Board shall take into consideration any legitimate hardship. Proof of hardship is required in writing or in person at a meeting of the Board.
9. Any member, not in good standing shall not be allowed to attending the December Election Meeting.
10. The following disciplinary action will automatically be applied by the Governing Board for violators of club rules.
a. First Offense: Warning letter.
b. Second Offense: Thirty day suspension.
c. Third Offense: Suspension for a period of time to be determined by the Board.
d. Physical violence or causing property damage is subject to immediate suspension by the President subject to review by the Board.
e. Any member who is disciplined has the right to appear before the Board to appeal his case.
1 . The dues, fees, assessments and any fines shall be established by the Board of Governors and presented to the Club membership for approval.
2. Any change in said charges must be voted on no later than the November regular Club meeting. The Financial Secretary shall send membership dues statements out by December 15th.
3. Statements are due and payable as of January 1. Any member whose dues are not received at the club or postmarked by midnight of March I shall be deprived of all rights and privileges of membership in the club and notified by certified mail to turn in his club keys and membership card.
4. Any member who does not renew his membership may reapply at any time; however, will be subject to all requirements for new applicants; however, any previous time as a member will not be applicable toward life membership. The Board reserves the right to deny guest privileges to any former member if deemed to be in the best interest of the club.
5. Any Member on active duty in the armed forces shall be exempt from payment of dues during his tour of duty.
6. Any member who is unable to meet his financial obligations because of a hardship may request an extension from the Board of Governors. Said request shall be in writing and must be received prior to the second Monday in February. It granted, said extensions shall not exceed 30 days and may not be further extended.
1. The control and maintenance of the mooring and boat facilities shall be vested in the Float Committee, under supervision of the Board of Governors.
2. The right of occupancy of a mooring shall be accorded a member of the club, in good standing, who has paid his dues and mooring fees by the date specified.
3. All moorings are owned by the Club under control of the Float Committee and are not transferable.
4. The Float Committee shall be responsible for posting an updated waiting list for moorings.
5. Any member desiring mooring space, must apply to the Float Committee, in writing, with a dated and signed application. Said application must be accompanied by the boat registration. If no mooring is available, the member then will be placed on the waiting list.
6. The mooring waiting list shall be posted according to the dates of the applications and assigned moorings shall be based on length and beam as they become available.
7. There shall be no boats over 22 ft. in length and 8 ft. in beam allowed mooring space at the Club flows.
8. Only immediate family members may use a member's boat and all boat members shall be responsible for the safe operation of their boars at the mooring area. Boat member's children, 14 years or under must have a valid coast guard operators permit in order to use a member's boat at the mooring area.
9. Applications for lockers, if available, are for boat members only. A waiting list for lockers shall be posted according to application date.
10. In addition to these Rules, the Float Committee shall post, prior to the boating season, a list of rules and regulations governing the use of the moorings, which all boat members shall abide by.
11. It is not necessary for a member to own a boat in order to put his name on a waiting list.
12. When a member's name comes up and he is assigned a slip he has thirty days to moor a boat which is registered in his name.
a. If a member does not put a boat in within the thirty days he will forfeit the slip, be charged for the thirty days on a prorated basis based on the size of the slip and have his name revert to the bottom of the waiting list.
b. The slip will then be offered to the next name on the waiting list under the same conditions.
1. The interpretation of this Constitution and these Bylaws and all revisions or amendments to same shall rest in the hands of the Governing Board, their decision will then be presented to the Club membership.
2. Amendments may not be voted on until same h been posted on the Club bulletin board for a period of three (3) weeks and it may be amended only after a two-thirds vote by members present at the next regular Club meeting.
Re interpretation of these by-laws and Constitution upon their passage and acceptance by the Club members shall become the sole governing laws, rules and regulations of the PASTIME ATHLETIC CLUB, INC., and any former by-laws or Constitutions shall be nullified.
The Board of Governors shall, at their January meeting, review the security system and determine what access officers, board and committee members and employees shall have to club facilities.
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